The Marrakech Sourcing Agency

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No....I'm not talking about what all 'could' happen

on a patio after lounging with a good glass of wine and seeing the sun go down with some nice shilling music...I'm talking about

my love for patio's since I was a little child I was drawing houses.

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My favorite one was what I called 'the Roman' house. I was at the

Gallo-Roman Museum



at age 7 and when I came back the only thing I was talking about where these amazing drawings on houses I had seen.

I asked for black paper and  with a pencil I designed the most amazing patio houses, admiring the silver shimmer on the black paper at night with my designs hanging on my bedroom wall.

Growing up i still loved drawing houses, still love black backgrounds and still love patio's. How lucky could i be to arrive in this country where almost everyone enjoys a patio!

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